You and your business are capable of achieving incredible things – our role is to help you get there
Our methodology is simple, intuitive and proven - whether your business is in forestry, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, retail or more - we have a proven track record for supporting business owners to navigate and succeed - especially during times of upheaval, crisis and change
We are the real deal. We are committed, involved and practical - and we know how to support you to succeed
We don’t write long reports or give you advice that is too expensive to implement. We believe strategy should be lived and actioned every day - not read and put into a drawer
Business is challenging, exciting, frustrating, stressful and dynamic - often in the same day! It can be a rollercoaster or it can flatline. It all depends on how you manage and lead your business every day
This is where businesses are made and broken - in the daily decisions
And that is where ION Group can help
We strive to provide our clients with that most powerful tool of change - a new perspective. You are the expert of your business - our role is to help you unlock the creativity and resilience needed to navigate the challenges and changes in our current climate. That is our passion and our commitment.

Don’t let distance stop you! Learn at your own pace through one of our online Courses. Email us to learn more.
1:1 Custom Sessions
Work one on one with our Team and get the direction and support you need for your business strategy - you may even be eligible for a government grant! Inspiration guaranteed.
Women in Business
We offer Programs and solutions targeted to supporting women in business, management and leadership roles.
Our Team
Our Team is experienced and extremely passionate about transforming businesses and people. Find out what makes us tick…apart from the success of our clients of course!
Group Workshops
Whether the connection is geographic or demographic, Group Workshops are powerful for creative development and building collaborations.
Crisis Management
Are you or your business facing a crisis right now? Don’t hesitate - we are extremely experienced and we can help!
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent … it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”